
The formulation of any food product is an essential requirement. For every product that comprises multiple raw materials, a formula is indispensable to delineate the quantity of each raw material, the manner in which it should be added, the processes involved in mixing (including priority and delay), and the method of production. The formulation of each plant is deemed to be proprietary and exclusive to that particular plant. Moreover, the diverse production conditions can exert a significant influence on the formulation. The industry consistently necessitates the expansion of new formulations due to the imperative need for product diversification in every factory. Consequently, new industries require novel formulations. The continuous innovation, which entails the production of new or modified products, is an indispensable prerequisite for attaining success and enhancing the quality of any product. Reformulations aid in reducing waste in factories and enable the attainment of optimal product quality. To embark on the creation of a formulation, an array of scientific disciplines is imperative. These include histology, food chemistry, food technology, food sensory evaluation, and analytical chemistry. The crucial factors in food formulation encompass food safety, product safety, production time, production technology, taste, cost, nutritional value, and calorie content. The primary factors influencing the process of formulation can be attributed to the requirements of customers, societal customs, competition, exports, and the economic status of the community.

Purpose of Formulation

The formulation has two important purposes:

1- Modify the previous formula

• expansion of the nutritional value, quality or health of the product

• Making the product cheaper

• Fix product bugs and increase of product life

2- Create a new formula

• precise research has been done and marketing has been done.

• industrial products are made from based on traditional products.

Necessary steps to create a new formulation:

• Target

• Considering economic conditions

• Forecasting factors and production equipment

• Creating formulations

• Hedonic Test or sensory evaluation

• Laboratory Production

• sample production in a statistical population

• Fix probable defects

• industrial production

Goharshid Company with its specialized and experienced staff, is ready to advise and introduce new formulas in accordance with the latest technologies in the world, to all food factories