Classification of types of honey

Fits the source of flower nectar

A) Single flower honey

Beekeepers collect nectar honey from a special flower, such as: clover honey, acacia honey, sunflower honey

Note: Pure single flower honey is obtained with great difficulty.

B) Honey with a few flowers

Beekeepers collect nectar from several flowers, such as mountain honey, citrus honey, and a variety of fruitful and non-fruitful trees.

Proportional to production time

A) Spring honey

Such as: citrus honey and acacia honey and fruit trees that beekeepers in early spring

B) Autumn honey

From mid-summer to early fall

Fits the production area

Such as: Damavand honey and Koohrang honey

Fits the color of honey

Colorless honey such as: Acacia honey

Yellow honey such as: sainfoin honey

Red honey such as: Thyme honey

natural honey

According to the definitions in developed countries and our country (Iran), honey refers to the nectar of flowers that bees make after feeding on various plants. Now, if a bee uses white sugar instead of flower nectar, its product cannot be called natural honey.

Bees have an innate power that distinguishes useful flowers from useless ones, they go to all medicinal plants and healing flowers with great interest and take the extract of these beautiful and useful flowers and provide them to us in the best way. they give. This honey is completely natural and rich in nutrients and life-giving and can meet the major nutritional needs, because it provides all the elements, minerals and vitamins that flowers provide and bees grow and make it absorbable into the blood. It has a maker.

It is not known exactly how much honey a bee colony needs to survive throughout the year. But in practice, from a relatively good colony, about 45 kg of honey per year in excess of the colony needs for beekeepers can be harvested annually, but not in the average situation in Iran, because the average nectar honey production per hive in Iran is about 10 kg or less. It is generally recommended that 7 to 9 kg of honey be given to the bees at any time of the year.

Most beekeepers store some honey from the fall for spring feeding, and this is the easiest way to feed the bees, and honey is the best food that can be provided to bees.

Nutritional honey

Due to its many properties and relatively high price, honey has always been considered by profiteers, who earn a lot of money by manipulating and cheating it. Sometimes honey is compulsorily or mainly made from artificial feeding of bees or a solution of water and sugar or grape and berry juice and sold instead of natural honey, this honey has no pleasant aroma and taste and certainly the properties of flower honey. It does not have different and honey standard does not consider it as a natural honey. On the other hand, the quality of natural honey is 10 times higher than artificial honey, which is obtained by giving water and sugar to bees. Artificial honey is only partially suitable for feeding bees and is not very important for humans.

In some countries, including Iran, honey is sometimes mixed with sugar or liquid glucose in various ways, which is a type of fraud in honey extraction.

Artificial or counterfeit honey

It refers to honey-like ingredients that are made without the intervention of bees, and usually uses sugar cane sugar and sweet fruits, such as melons, watermelons, pumpkins and dates, to make such honeys. Although they are referred to as honey, these substances are not honey, but are obtained by concentrating juices artificially and industrially. This method is not common in Iran but is common in some foreign countries.


Some insects, such as aphids and bedbugs, feed on various plants and excrete their extra carbohydrates (sugars) on the surface of the leaves of the plants they feed on. In cases where nectar is scarce in nature, bees are forced to collect these sugars as well as other sweet plant secretions (other than flower nectar) and store them in honeycomb cells after being converted into honey. Honey, which is called honey, has a lower quality than ordinary honey in terms of aroma, color and ingredients. Honey is darker than honey and has less levolose and dextrose. Compound sugars, minerals, nitrogen and acidic substances of honey are more than honey. The amount of minerals such as potassium, phosphorus and iron in honey is more than honey. These elements, especially potassium salt in honey, are not suitable for winter feeding of bees. Be; Because it causes diarrhea first and then infant mortality. Honey is often secreted and used on the leaves of trees such as oak, beech, Tabrizi, elm, maple, willow, cedar and..

Toxic honey

Honey from some plants has been shown to be toxic to humans, causing poisoning and side effects such as vomiting, dizziness and imbalance, as it contains a toxic glucoside. This type of honey is not toxic to bees and bees consume it easily. In areas where poisonous plants grow and bees collect honey, bees can use these areas to produce wax and baby hives. There are also plants whose produce and pollen are toxic to bees and the resulting honey is poisonous to humans.

Various studies have shown that honey made from the nectar of poisonous plants, such as: Benkdaneh, fenugreek flowers, fenugreek, high paw flower, etc., are never poisonous to humans.

A type of plant that poisons honey from humans is a seedling called Chama edaphne calyeulata moench. Although this type of honey is harmful to humans and eating it causes side effects such as vomiting, dizziness and severe stomach pain, but The bee itself has not the slightest effect, so it can be used in winter. Honey, the smell of which produces sneezing or drinking it, which causes intoxication and intoxication, and the taste of which burns the throat. These types of honey are poisonous and not suitable for nutrition.

Toxic honey has been proven to be formed from the toxin in the nectar of azalea and peony flowers. Feeding 10 grams of poisonous honey to experimental piglets causes jaw tremors, vomiting and seizures, while feeding 14 grams of it to other animals kills them. The toxin in honey is not stable and if honey is stored for a long time, even under normal conditions, its toxicity will be reduced.

Radioactive honey

In some types of honey, there is a very small amount of radium, and this action has been proven by covering the honey jars with photographic sensitive films and covering it with black paper and viewing images of radium radiation on the photographic sensitive paper. This property is related to the soil and soil in which honey plants have grown.

1.Acacia honey

Acacia honey is one of the best types of honey. It is completely transparent when liquid and turns snow white when crystallized or crystallized. Acacia honey contains 36% glucose and 40% fructose. Bees produce 1,700 kilograms of honey per hectare of white acacia. Acacia honey is tonic and energizing, which improves and strengthens memory, is also invigorating and very fragrant, and helps treat biliary diseases, diabetes, laxatives, anemia, and infections in women.

Other properties of acacia honey include drowsiness, improvement of eye disorders, growth of children and its calming for adults. If consumed with apples, it is the best antibiotic and is effective and useful for colds.

2.Thyme honey

Thyme honey strengthens the brain and nerves and is a powerful energizer that helps strengthen memory, as well as for menstrual cramps, abdominal and intestinal pain, relieve cough and sore throat, treat diabetes insipidus, general infections of the body and for dressing wounds. The substrate is useful.

3.Tragacanth honey

The nectar of the tragacanth plant, famously known as tragacanth honey, possesses numerous therapeutic attributes including the fortification of the nervous system, enhancement of cognitive abilities, and reinforcement of gastric functions.

4.Honey of some plants

Honey of several plants or forty plants is the result of drinking beeswax of different flowers by bees. Generally, in the spring, when different plants grow in the same area, the nectar of different flowers turns into honey. This type of honey has many general properties for the body and is recommended for various diseases. Anti-inflammatory and intestinal infection, anti-constipation, gastrointestinal disinfectant, anti-diarrhea, fever, nerve strengthening, anti-cough and asthma, anti-kidney and bladder stones, appetite suppressant, hypnotic, blood and liver purification, migraine treatment, fight With osteoporosis of the properties of honey is a few flowers.

5.Alfalfa honey

Alfalfa honey is derived from the purple blossoms of the alfalfa plant. Honey that has recently been extracted is devoid of color or exhibits an amber hue. The rapid crystallization of alfalfa honey results in the formation of a white solid resembling condensed milk. This particular type of honey possesses a pleasing aroma and flavor. It contains a glucose content of 57% and a fructose content of 40%.

Alfalfa honey fortifies the nervous system and enhances cognitive function, boasting the highest concentration of vitamins 8 and 8. Furthermore, it confers significant advantages to individuals who experience nasal bleeding. The distinct fragrance emitted by this variety of honey is highly notable. Its properties include laxative and hematopoietic effects, as well as the ability to promote blood coagulation. Moreover, it proves valuable in addressing menstrual irregularities in women, providing relief to those afflicted with tremors, and offering invigoration to the consumer.

6.Dill honey

The shade of dill honey manifests itself as a deeper hue in contrast to other types of honey. It is observable that this specific type of honey possesses a dark amber pigmentation. Dill honey is characterized by its moderate level of sweetness. The attributes inherently associated with dill encompass its sedative properties, its capacity to reduce blood lipid levels, its efficacy in fortifying the gastric system and treating heartburn, its ability to stimulate lactation in breastfeeding mothers, its role in enhancing bone density and alleviating joint discomfort, its potential to lower heart rate, and finally its contribution to fortifying the physical constitution while simultaneously augmenting vigor and stamina.

7.Fennel honey

Fennel is a medicinal plant with aroma and flavor that has many healing properties, honey that is made from the nectar of the fennel plant has all the properties of the fennel plant. The properties of fennel honey can strengthen the immune system, fight cancer and prevent it, strengthen the body's digestive system, treat indigestion and bloating, antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, reduce blood pressure and cholesterol, prevent heart disease and Vascular as well as treatment of ovarian laziness, relief of menstrual cramps and increased libido in women.

8.Black honey

Black seed honey strengthens the brain and nerves and helps strengthen memory and is hypnotic, increases breast milk and cures kidney diseases. It is windbreaker and regularizer, improves headaches and rheumatism. Also for body weakness, elimination of blood poisoning, liver, nausea, abdominal pain, constipation, strengthening postpartum women, reducing body moisture, moderating body contamination, useful for diabetes insipidus, useful for colic, respiratory disorders Brightening the complexion is good for kidney stones, bladder and urological system and uterine pain.

9.Maryam Goli honey

This honey is made from the nectar of the famous sage plant, which is a widely used medicinal plant. Sage honey is light amber to dark golden in color with a pleasant aroma and taste. Each hectare under sage cultivation yields about 600 kg of honey. Its properties include purifying the blood, relieving excessive sweating, helping the digestive system, healing wounds and cuts, stimulating the appetite and improving the common cold

10.Sunflower honey

Sunflower honey is golden yellow in liquid form and amber yellow in crystalline form with greenish streaks. It has a weak aroma and a pleasant taste. Obtained from golden yellow sunflower flowers. One hectare under sunflower cultivation yields about 50 kg of honey. It is tonic and energizing, which helps to strengthen memory. It is also useful for softening the chest, bronchial discomfort, laryngeal discomfort, clearing the voice, pulmonary discomfort, relieving coughs and colds, and for neutralizing toxins.